USL Sustainability Efficiency Engineering

Smart Technology

Smart metering of energy, water, and waste usage can provide informative data to improve efficiency and save money. Metering allows for diagnostic evaluation, and checks against the baseline to make note of where a system is operating outside of its design scope due to routine or unscheduled maintenance needs, building operation changes, and more! All of these technologies will contribute to reduced greenhouse gas emissions while also saving people time and money.

Smart Technology in Our Work

Smart Water Systems

Using tools and technology towards reducing water consumption and increasing water efficiency.

Smart Energy Systems

Energy metering monitors consumption and generation at the source to make informed decisions about energy usage.

Smart Buildings

Smart buildings use a variety of technologies at their disposal including for water, energy, and indoor air quality.

Smart Waste Management Systems

The use of smart technologies can help improve the overall efficiency of waste management systems.

Smart Mobility Systems

Smart technologies in transportation include everything from parking to speed monitoring, to capacity management.