United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 goals that envision a future for society that includes sustainable living, an end to inequality, poverty, and hunger, protecting the ecosystem, addressing climate change, and more.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) has also firmly aligned itself with these SDGs by addressing all 17 SDGs in its LEED global rating system for Cities and Communities. Through a clear data driven approach to benchmark and communicate progress, the rating system provides a strong solid framework to uphold the SDG’s triple bottom line in building environmentally sensitive, socially responsible and economically-viable communities.
SDGs and The Gambia's National Development Plan
The new government of The Gambia has explicitly aligned all 17 SDGs into its 2018 – 2021 National Development Plan (NDP). Following such strong commitment from The Gambian government, the nation’s hospitality and tourism sectors in particular can find new opportunities for commingled financial, environmental, and societal benefits by leveraging their unique position in the built environment, reframing their sustainability efforts, and joining the government’s priorities in aligning them with the SDGs.
SDGs in Our Work
USEE strives to incorporate all 17 goals into the projects we do from the design phase through completion and beyond. In working with the local government and our partners, we can achieve more than on our own. The multi-faceted approach to sustainable development embodied within the UN SDGs presents substantial opportunities for cities and communities to achieve sustainable development holistically.